CLOSET-PURGE PRO: Maria Menounos

In the latest installment of Million Dollar Closets, Maria Menounos gets a girls' night closet purge with pro tips from Lisa Adams!


Pro-Tip 1: Wine + Playlist

Power down the phone and put on your favorite mellow playlist! It's important to loosen up for the purging process and make it fun, so you can make quick decisions.

Pro-Tip 2: Use Three Hampers

  • Sell - Items you love, but no longer wear and want to get a return from!
  • Donate - Business appropriate, tailored items in good condition for charitable organizations!
  • Trash - Anything with stains, holes, or irreparable damage.

Pro-Tip 3: Have a System

Break down your wardrobe into more manageable sections before tackling the overwhelming task!

Pro-Tip 4: Be Decisive

"Yes!" "No!" ... "Maybe" is not an option!

Pro-Tip 5: Be Consistent

Repeat this process regularly and keep a hamper in your closet for donations, items that need to be tailored, etc. This will help you get in the routine of a year-round purge and avoid the overwhelming seasonal task!